Tuesday, 22 June 2010


this week is international women week, and to celebrate women of every size, shape, age and gender i am fully indulging in fashion that celebrates women. this is especially significant for me as this week is preceeding my rapidly upcoming sex change.

now. i realise this may come as a massive shock to all my dedicated followers. but the truth is, i love women, and womens clothes. but my one ambition has always been to become a drag queen. this is simply not possible with a minge and sumptuous bosom.

so, for my last week, i plan to be everything that i believe women are. sexy, beautiful, deceitful, lying, cheating, manipulative and pure.

these earrings are so femenine, when i wore them out i got so many adoring looks from men and women!

this ring is fun and sexy, my bf loves it it really turns him on! sometimes he takes it to the bathroom for ages. i dont know what he does with it there. admiring it i guess!

now, this bag is more convinient than anything but, i do still find convinience sexy! it is a wet bag, for used sanitary towels, so that you can take them home and wash them when you're done without any leakage.. genius! loving the print too.

these necklaces aren't that womanly but they do come in a range of skin tones and are very fashionable at the moment! they are made by possibly my fave designer at the moment, vulvaloves.

this bra just makes me feel good about myself when my bf and i fight. i like to feel as though someone wants me, when he pulls away to the other side of the matress when i reach out to touch him in the dark night. so i sneak out of bed, put this on in the dark and slip back into bed. he never knows.

sophistication is a key to womanhood. maturity and tradition are seen in this people's favourite barbie bangle. it represents how society has butchered the female form to turn her into a fashion accessory. also its pink! lol! cute! xxx

these hand knitted nipple covers in the form of pasties can be made to order for the size of your nip and come in various cookie shapes, aswell as the classic stars and sparkly black ones.

and finally this beautiful hand crafted tits scarf. it turns me on and is dead eye catching. and thats how i'll be celebrating woman week!

so tell me, how will you be celebrating woman week, and what do you think of these fab buys!?

xxxx bridie xxxx

Monday, 21 June 2010

it's prom o' clock.

summer is upon us. prom is upon us. bulimia nervosa is upon us.
me and jessie are excited as can be! well, when i say that. lady higgins does not have a date to the ball so she's staying home and eating her troubles instead. (invites welcome, low standards, 07890549337 - ask for lady jessminda of persia)
anyway. we know how GODDAMN hard it can be when your MOTHER FUCKING dress and then your MOTHER FUCKING shoes both go out of stock in quick succession but, never fear, your fairy gokmother is here.


anyway. so. the fact of the matter is. we've put together some emergency outfits for anyone who might have this unfortunate and extremely fucking stressful ordeal to put up with. we are here to ease your burden and possibly take a whack at it as we say here in wales (its welsh rhyming slang for get into yo panties)

so. roll em up outfit number one is specially designed for your local chav or common whore.

this is a fake tan thats been brought out by the drinks company Tango, a kind of play on the fact that when people are dead orange cruel passers by such as my dear boyfriend say 'someone's been tangoed'. i think it looks well sexy but i think you can have too much of a good thing? so i personally like to patch apply it ie only in key regions such as my armpits and minge.

these earrings are sexy and can double as swings for tiny men! LOLOLOLOLOL PMSL LOLTTPM (lol to the pepsi max. something you wouldn't understand if you've not been to blackpool lol reppin ma hoome toon!!)

this hair style suits everyone even men which is why i've put it on here.

this dress is eye catching and classy and goes with orange really well.

and if you're preggers, this is the one!!

and those are the instant classic shoes from karen millen.

and that's the look! come back tomorrow for your next sexy installment!

love bridiexxx